3 research outputs found

    Rn and Gn Logics

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    This paper proposes a simple, set-theoretic framework providingexpressive typing, higher-order functions and initial models atthe same time. Building upon Russell's ramified theory of types, we developthe theory of Rn-logics, which are axiomatisable by an order-sortedequational Horn logic with a membership predicate, and of Gn-logics,that provide in addition partial functions. The latter are therefore moreadapted to the use in the program specification domain, while sharing interesting properties, like existence of an initial model, with Rn-logics. Operational semantics of Rn-/Gn-logics presentations is obtained throughorder-sorted conditional rewriting

    Combining Algebraic and Set-Theoretic Specifications (Extended Version)

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    Specification frameworks such as B and Z provide power sets and cartesianproducts as built-in type constructors, and employ a rich notation fordefining (among other things) abstract data types using formulae of predicatelogic and lambda-notation. In contrast, the so-called algebraic specification frameworks often limit the type structure to sort constants andfirst-order functionalities, and restrict formulae to (conditional) equations.Here, we propose an intermediate framework where algebraic specificationsare enriched with a set-theoretic type structure, but formulae remain in thelogic of equational Horn clauses. This combines an expressive yet modestspecification notation with simple semantics and tractable proof theory